Antoni Clavé Artworks for sale - artetrama

Antoni Clavé

Antoni Clavé (Barcelona, 5. April 1913 - Saint Tropez, 30. August 2005) war ein Maler, Bildhauer und Grafiker von großer Relevanz in der spanischen zeitgenössischen Kunstszene.

Nach Abschluss seines Studiums an der Kunstschule in Barcelona begann er seine Arbeit mit Plakaten, die sich vor allem in Filmen hervorheben. Die Arbeit dieser Jahre wird durch eine chromatische Erhöhung vermerkt. Am Ende des spanischen Bürgerkriegs, in dem er als Republikaner kämpfte, wurde er nach Frankreich verbannt, wo er seine Karriere als Illustrator und Theaterdesigner begann. Seine Kompositionen ähneln denen von Pierre Bonnard.

In 1944 he befriended Picasso and thereafter produces a less classical work. In the 1950s he worked as set designer for theater and ballet and reaches a high reputation internationally. At he same time he is working as an illustrator for the book "Gargantua y Pantagruel" and develops a medieval iconography that can be recognized through his work with warriors, kings and queens. These grounds were originally realistic but his work evolved into an abstraction by simplifying the lines and using a simple chromatic and very special textures.

In 1952 he was nominated for an Oscar for his work on the sets and costumes for the film "Hans Christian Andersen".

In the 60s his works are influenced by classical and Baroque artists. He makes a tribute to El Greco using the theme of the knight's hand on his chest. During these years his work definitely becomes abstract.

In the 70 Clavé introduced into his works other techniques as collage, or his invention, papier froissé, which is to use a spray on crumpled paper. In 1978 his first retrospective exhibition takes place at the Georges Pompidou Center.

His works are in major museums around the world: Tate Gallery, Center Georges Pompidou, Museum of Modern Art, Tokyo, Centro de Arte Reina Sofía, British Museum, etc.
